Monday, February 18, 2008

Jim Starlin and the Death of the New Gods

So I purchased the Cosmic Odyssey mini-series to see Mike Mignola's early work (1988) with DC, and, of course, because of my unbridled love for the New Gods. To say the least, Cosmic Odyssey left a lot to be desired. Mignola's style hadn't yet matured to the point that has in his Hellboy series, but it was solid. Jim Starlin's writing, however, was left wanting.

I concede to the possibility that I'm just irritated that Starlin has the audacity to kill off all of the New Gods, but what probably annoyed me the most is what he purportedly said in an interview [citation need]:
I sort of think of this project as putting an ending to Jack's New Gods' saga. Since Kirby's initial run on the characters others have presented them with mixed results. Looking back I'd say at least half of the past New Gods series have done more harm than good. So for me, Death of the New Gods is half honoring Jack Kirby, half mercy killing.
I'm not so deluded that I won't agree with him. Looking back, a lot of the New Gods work probably has done more harm than good. In fact, I can readily cite one work that has done said harm--Cosmic Odyssey. And honoring? Right. Just as how if I was to honor Disney, then I would write out Milo and his buddies. I don't like Jim Starlin's work. Don't even get me started about Thanos. Most likely, some years down the road, the stories will likely get retconned (just like Cosmic Odyssey), and they'll be brought back, but in the meantime, I'm pretty annoyed by the pretense the guy has going into this tie-in with Countdown... or at least the undeniable pretentiousness of forcing the continuity of [to my knowledge] what has been a largely ignored explanation of the Anti-life Equation. Granted, I could just be a comic fan-boy.

Besides, Starlin is racist.*

* Note: Jim Starlin is [most assuredly] probably not racist.

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